About Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoid Symptoms

Hemorrhoids / Piles

Piles is another term for hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are collections of inflamed tissue in the anal canal. They contain blood vessels, support tissue, muscle, and elastic fibers.

Hemorrhoids are cushions of tissue containing swollen blood vessels in the lower rectum or around the anus, which, depending on the type and the severity, can cause itching, bleeding, and pain. 

Piles can be classified as either internal or external:

Internal Hemorrhoids:
  • Swollen veins inside the rectum that form above an area known as the dentate line. When internal hemorrhoids become enlarged, the tissue may protrude out through the anus. The level of protrusion dictates the degree of severity.
External Hemorrhoids:
  • Swollen veins that form below the dentate line and can often be seen and felt under the skin outside the anal canal. They often appear as small bulges.

hemorrhoid symptoms external internal

Schedule your hemorrhoid consultation appointment today

Fast & Effective

This painless procedure takes about 1 minute to perform and is 95% effective.

No Recovery Time

Most patients can resume normal activities the same day.


The procedure is painless and typically no pain medication is required after the procedure.

Covered by Insurance

The procedure is covered by Medicare and most insurance plans.

This non-surgical procedure has been performed over 800,000 times on patients across the country.

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Common Symptoms & Signs of Hemorrhoids:

If you have any of the internal or external hemorrhoid symptoms below, please consider making an appointment.

An individual with piles may experience the following symptoms:


A hard, possibly painful lump may be felt around the anus. It may contain coagulated blood. Piles that contain blood are called thrombosed external hemorrhoids.

Full Bowels:

After passing a stool, a person with piles may experience the feeling that the bowels are still full.


Bright red blood is visible after a bowel movement.


Pain occurs during the passing of a stool


If an internal hemorrhoid causes the swollen tissue to push through the anal opening, it is considered a prolapsing hemorrhoid. This prolapsed tissue (which actually causes many other symptoms associated with hemorrhoids) can sometimes reduce on its own, while other times it may need to be pushed back inside the anus manually.


Only internal hemorrhoids cause bleeding. If you have an internal hemorrhoid, you may notice a small amount of bright red blood on the toilet paper, covering the stool, or inside the toilet bowl.


Itching around the rectum is one of the most common symptoms of hemorrhoids. If you experience ongoing itching, it’s best to seek treatment, as scratching or continuous wiping of the area can lead to the worsening of symptoms.

Piles can escalate into a more severe condition. This can include:

Excessive anal bleeding, also possibly leading to anemia


Fecal incontinence, or an inability to control bowel movements

Anal fistula, in which a new channel is created between the surface of the skin near the anus and the inside of the anus

A strangulated hemorrhoid, in which the blood supply to the hemorrhoid is cut off, causing complications including infection or a blood clot

What causes hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids can result from too much pressure in the rectum due to a variety of factors. Hemorrhoids are often linked to diet, constipation, diarrhea, obesity, pregnancy, childbirth, and even sitting for extended periods of time.

Hemorrhoids are caused by increased pressure in the lower rectum.

The blood vessels around the anus and in the rectum will stretch under pressure and may swell or bulge, forming piles.

This may be due to:

  • Chronic constipation
  • Chronic diarrhea
  • Lifting heavy weights
  • Pregnancy
  • Straining when passing a stool
  • Increased pressure in the lower rectum.

The tendency to develop hemorrhoids may also be inherited and increases with age.

Hemorrhoid Symptoms

Other Gastrointestinal Health Conditions 

In addition to hemorrhoids, many of our patients ask questions about other anorectal conditions that include anal fissures, colon cancer, rectal bleeding, irritable bowl syndrome (IBS) and chronic constipation. While hemorrhoids can be very bothersome, they are typically easily treated by our doctors using the CRH O’Regan System. You will however, want to be informed about other conditions that can affect your anorectal or gastrointestinal health. Our doctors do not recommend self diagnoses based on this information. It is best to set up an initial, confidential consultation so that your medical history can be reviewed and an examination can be performed to help you better understand why you are experiencing discomfort and set you on the path to recovery.

Anal Fissures

Everyone from children to adults can get anal fissures, and they can be very painful. While usually harmless and treatable, an anal fissure can also be a sign of other health issues. If you have – or think you have – an anal fissure, you should understand the symptoms and causes, and talk with our doctors about your concerns.

Common symptoms include:

  • Slight tinge of blood in your stool.
  • Razor sharp pain while attempting a bowel movement.
  • Moderate to intense itching that can be quite irritating.

If you think you have hemorrhoids, but are also experiencing pain, it is possible that you also have a fissure. If you have noticed prolonged symptoms like these you should contact us to determine the best course of treatment.

Colon Cancer

Colorectal cancer is the third most common form of cancer and the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths. Colon cancer progresses very slowly and may go undetected for several years. Many symptoms of colon cancer are often interpreted as other conditions, making colon cancer screening critical for accurate diagnosis.

Colorectal cancer typically develops within polyps that form in the colon and rectum. If left unchecked, these cancerous polyps can become quite large before they can be detected, and which may spread to lymph nodes, the liver, and to other structures. Since the symptoms early on in the disease are minimal, many patients don’t know they are affected until the disease has progressed substantially. A screening colonoscopy can often find these lesions at an early stage, increasing the likelihood of a successful treatment, or find suspicious polyps before they have developed into cancer. The removal of these polyps can then effectively prevent the development of cancer.

You can increase your chances of early detection by watching for these important warning signs:

  • Blood in stool.
  • Constipation or changes in bowel activity.
  • Narrowing of the stool.
  • Anemia (Frequently the result of a tumor that is bleeding into the intestinal tract.)

If you age 50 or older, you are at an increased risk. You should have a colonoscopy at least once every 10 years, with examinations more frequently in certain circumstances.

Sometimes patients mistake the signs of colon cancer for hemorrhoids, or vice-versa. That’s why an accurate diagnosis is essential.

Rectal Bleeding

Blood in the stool is a common problem experienced by hundreds of patients that our doctors see routinely. Hemorrhoids or Anal fissures are most often the cause blood in stool. You would easily notice that the blood is typically bright red in color. After you have a bowel movement, you might see blood on your toilet paper, in the toilet bowl or on the stool itself.

Although blood in stool is a common health issue, it can also indicate the presence of a more serious medical condition. If you have rectal bleeding, you should seek medical attention immediately.

Please watch for:

  • Profuse bright red blood
  • Excess blood in your stool, can be a sign of a very serious condition.
Common cause of profuse blood in the stool include:
internal and external hemorrhoids

Irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease:

IBS and IBD are two similar yet different gastrointestinal disorders that can cause major problems for sufferers.

IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome)

IBS may be a sign that there is an underlying health condition. Women most frequently experience IBS, but men can also be affected by this condition.

IBS Symptoms include:

  • Intense gas pain
  • Bowel movement disruption
  • Change in stool’s appearance

There are many secondary symptoms of IBS that may include:

  • Heart palpitations
  • Fatigue
  • Unpleasant taste in the mouth
  • Headache or backache.

IBD (Inflammatory bowel disease)

Crohn’s Disease, one of the disorders that make up IBD, is an autoimmune disorder, which means your body’s immune system attacks healthy body tissue. It results in chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, causing the intestinal wall to become thick.

Ulcerative colitis, on the other hand, affects the lining of the rectum and can also expand to affect the colon’s lining as well. Its cause is unknown, but may also be related to an immune disorder.

Common symptoms of IBD include:

  • Aching, sore joints
  • Skin and mouth sores
  • Red, inflamed eyes
  • Rectal bleeding, weight loss and fever
  • Abdominal pain, often in the lower-right part of the abdomen
  • Diarrhea
  • Poor growth in children

Chronic Constipation

Constipation causes frequent problems for millions of people, yet many never realize their body is having a problem. The most obvious side effect of constipation is the inability to have a regular bowel movement. If this condition persists for more than three days, it is important to determine what may be causing the problem. Ignoring constipation will not make it go away, and can lead to a more serious bowel obstruction.

Symptoms of Constipation:

  • Dry bowel movements
  • Vomiting and nausea
  • Abdominal swelling

Constipation can have lots of underlying causes, many of them minor. However, in some cases, chronic constipation may point to a more serious health problem, such as colon cancer. Frequent colon cancer screenings are the best way to detect this cancer in its early stages, while it is still easy to treat.

Schedule your hemorrhoid consultation today

Fast & Effective

The procedure takes about 1 minute to perform and is 95% effective.

No Recovery Time

Most patients can resume normal activities the same day.


The procedure is painless and typically no pain medication is required after the procedure.

Covered by Insurance

The procedure is covered by Medicare and most insurance plans.

This non-surgical procedure has been performed over 800,000 times on patients across the country.

Call Us Today 816-836-2200

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